How to protect your site from temporary mails using

Как защитить свой сайт от временных почт

So, below there will be a boring description of the API, while you have enthusiasm, remember the main thing: the main response parameter is "result":, if this parameter is true - feel free to skip this EMAIL for registration, if false, then take your time - tell the user "Register with temporary mails are prohibited by resource policy".

Also, you have a trump card up your sleeve - this is the "error":, parameter: if everything goes well, then it is always 0, if the user makes mistakes, then this parameter takes numerical values, you can, if you wish, set him on the right path, prompting him to check the correctness of the EMAIL input

API: Check Domain/Email mailbox address

Method: GET
Example request:

Parameters of request

Parameter Description
data Domain or full Email address
ip Optional parameter. The IP address of the client that sends the request to your resource is required for a more detailed display of statistics

Headers of request

Header Description
Authorization Bearer authentication, your unique JWT token, which is an API key, you can get by Registering in your Personal Account

Let's get down to practice

Let's look at the requests to by examples. To try to send from a request to check a deliberately false domain/email, taken from one of the most popular temporary mail services, from the console

cURL request:

					curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer XXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXX'

cURL response:

    "error": 0,
    "result": false,
    "message": "This domain is in Blacklist"

The response received "result": false - which means that this user CANNOT be allowed to register

Now, let's try to send a request for domain/email verification using PHP. As in the previous example, there is nothing difficult, now, for example, let's send 100% GMAILtrust mail. On my own I recommend setting the CURLOPT_TIMEOUT parameter to 3 seconds, although a regular request takes a split second - this will protect your registration from crashing if the server is unavailable

PHP - cURL request:


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => '',

$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;

PHP - cURL response:

    "error": 0,
    "result": true,
    "message": "This domain is in Whitelist"

In response, we received "result": true - this means that this user MAY be allowed to register

Great, now let's dive a little deeper into the capabilities of, consider a few exceptions:

In the two previous examples, we looked at typical mails that represent BLACKLIST (temporary mails contained in our database) and WHITELIST (such as GMAIL, YAHOO or YANDEXfor example ...). But what to do in a non-standard situation?

  1. The mail domain has the "UNKNOWN" status so far

    The user sends mail of his personal or corporate domain, for example, in this case the answer will be as follows:

    "error": 0,
    "result": true,
    "unknown": true,
    "message": "Unknown domain. We will classify this domain shortly"

    In response, we received "result": true - which means that this user MAY be allowed to register, since we do not yet know exactly what kind of domain it is, and we cannot "scatter" our clients. After that, the domain will be sent for verification, it must be defined, so that when you repeat the request, you can already answer exactly whether it belongs to any of the lists.

  2. User made a (syntactic) error while entering mail in the registration form

    For example admin@;, in this case the answer will be as follows:

        "error": 31,
        "result": false,
        "message": "Invalid email address"

    In response, we received "result": false- which means that this user CANNOT be allowed to register. In this case, you need to handle the error "error": 31 - which will prompt your user to check the correctness of the email address entered by him

  3. Or is his mail domain not capable of receiving mail at all?

    For example, in this case the answer will be as follows:

        "error": 36,
        "result": false,
        "message": "No mail server is attached to this domain"

    In response, we received "result": false- which means that this user CANNOT be allowed to register. In this case, you need to handle the error "error": 36 - which will prompt your user to check the correctness of the email address entered by him

In any incomprehensible situation, just tell the user to check the correct spelling of EMAIL

This is necessary so that there is no false expectation on the part of the user of the final stage of registration - confirmation of mail

Error code
31 "Invalid email address" - syntax error in writing mailbox address
32 "Invalid data" - syntax error in writing mailbox address
33 "Invalid domain" - syntax error in writing mailbox address
34 "Typo! This domain 1 level does not exist" - no such domain exists
35 "No mail server is attached to this domain" - mailbox domain is unable to receive emails
36 "No mail server is attached to this domain" - mailbox domain is unable to receive emails
37 "Incoming data is too long" - too long string
777 "Unknown Error" - God knows what it is, I hope no one pops out🤞